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Plugin Documentation

Goals available for this plugin:

Goal Report? Description
scalor:clean No Clean project cache resources for all compilation scopes. Invokes goals: clean-*
scalor:clean-macro No Clean project cache resources for compilation scope=macro. A member of goal=clean.
scalor:clean-main No Clean project cache resources for compilation scope=main. A member of goal=clean.
scalor:clean-test No Clean project cache resources for compilation scope=test. A member of goal=clean.
scalor:compile No Compile Java and Scala sources in all compilation scopes. Invokes goals: compile-*
scalor:compile-macro No Compile Java and Scala sources in compilation scope=macro. A member of goal=compile.
scalor:compile-main No Compile Java and Scala sources in compilation scope=main. A member of goal=compile.
scalor:compile-test No Compile Java and Scala sources in compilation scope=test. A member of goal=compile.
scalor:eclipse-config No Install companion Eclipse plugin provided by this Maven plugin when running under Eclipse/M2E.
scalor:eclipse-format No Transfer source format settings from Maven to Eclipse. Requires goal=eclipse-config.
scalor:eclipse-prescomp No Manage Scala IDE Scala presentation compiler work-around process in Eclipse/M2E. Requires goal=eclipse-config.
scalor:eclipse-restart No Manage test application process restart after full or incremental build in Eclipse/M2E. Requires goal=eclipse-config.
scalor:format No Format sources for all compilation scopes. Invokes goals: format-*
scalor:format-macro No Format sources for compilation scope=macro. A member of goal=format.
scalor:format-main No Format sources for compilation scope=main. A member of goal=format.
scalor:format-test No Format sources for compilation scope=test. A member of goal=format.
scalor:register No Register sources for all compilation scopes. Invokes goals: register-*
scalor:register-macro No Register Java, Scala, resource root folders for compilation scope=macro. A member of goal=register.
scalor:register-main No Register Java, Scala, resource root folders for compilation scope=main. A member of goal=register.
scalor:register-test No Register Java, Scala, resource root folders for compilation scope=test. A member of goal=register.
scalor:report Yes Produce Scaladoc site report for all compilation scopes. Invokes goals: report-*
scalor:report-main Yes Produce Scaladoc site report for compilation scope=[macro,main]. A member of goal=report.
scalor:report-test Yes Produce Scaladoc site report for compilation scope=[test]. A member of goal=report.
scalor:scala-js-env-conf-nodejs No Configure Scala.js JavaScript VM environment for testing: provide scala-js-junit-tools settings for Node.js.
scalor:scala-js-env-conf-phantomjs No Configure Scala.js JavaScript VM environment for testing: provide scala-js-junit-tools settings for Phantom.js.
scalor:scala-js-env-prov-nodejs No Provision Scala.js JavaScript VM environment for testing: install Node.js binary and NPM modules.
scalor:scala-js-env-prov-phantomjs No Provision Scala.js JavaScript VM environment for testing: install Phantom.js binary.
scalor:scala-js-env-prov-webjars No Provision Scala.js JavaScript VM environment for testing: install Webjars resources discovered from build classpath.
scalor:scala-js-link No Generate Scala.js runtime JavaScript for all scopes. Invokes goals: scala-js-link-*.
scalor:scala-js-link-main No Generate Scala.js runtime JavaScript for scope=main. Provides incremental linking in M2E. A member of goal=scala-js-link.
scalor:scala-js-link-test No Generate Scala.js runtime JavaScript for scope=test. Provides incremental linking in M2E. A member of goal=scala-js-link.
scalor:scala-native-link No Generate Scala.native runtime binary for all scopes. Invokes goals: scala-native-link-*.
scalor:scala-native-link-main No Generate Scala.native runtime binary for scope=main. Provides incremental linking in M2E. A member of goal=scala-native-link.
scalor:scala-native-link-test No Generate Scala.native runtime binary for scope=test. Provides incremental linking in M2E. A member of goal=scala-native-link.
scalor:scala-native-pack No Package Scala.native runtime artifact for all scopes. Invokes goals: scala-native-pack-*.
scalor:scala-native-pack-main No Package Scala.native runtime artifact for scope=main. A member of goal=scala-native-pack.
scalor:scala-native-pack-test No Package Scala.native runtime artifact for scope=test. A member of goal=scala-native-pack.
scalor:scaladoc No Produce project Scaladoc artifact for all compilation scopes. Invokes goals: scaladoc-*.
scalor:scaladoc-macro No Produce project Scaladoc artifact for compilation scope=macro. A member of goal=scaladoc.
scalor:scaladoc-main No Produce project Scaladoc artifact for compilation scope=main. A member of goal=scaladoc.
scalor:scaladoc-test No Produce project Scaladoc artifact for compilation scope=test. A member of goal=scaladoc.
scalor:setup-cross No Setup module structure for Scala cross version build. Produce folders and symbolic links.

System Requirements

The following specifies the minimum requirements to run this Maven plugin:

Maven 3.5
JDK 1.8
Memory No minimum requirement.
Disk Space No minimum requirement.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:

    <!-- To define the plugin version in your parent POM -->
    <!-- To use the plugin goals in your POM or parent POM -->
  <!-- To use the report goals in your POM or parent POM -->

For more information, see "Guide to Configuring Plug-ins"